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NEC VR4000
  NEC D30401RJ-50 VR4000SC-50
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» all MIPS Rx000 chips
The NEC R4000 Processor
The MIPS R4000 series, released in 1991, extended the MIPS instruction set to a full 64-bit architecture and moved the FPU onto the main die to create a single-chip system. The design was so important to SGI, at the time MIPS' major customer, that SGI bought the company in 1992.
The R4x00 processors have been available and used in different versions. PC (as in R4000PC) denotes primary cache only and SC denotes secondary cache. The MC versions contain special support for cache architectures in multiprocessor systems.
R4000 processors where used in many Silicon Graphics computers, e.g. the Indigo workstations and Crimson servers.
References:  MIPS R4000 Microprocessor User's Guide  R4000 at SGIstuff

Note: The last two digits of the part number on older NEC VR4x000 processors is the external clock speed, internal is twice that.
NEC D30401RJ-50 VR4000SC-50
NEC D30401RJ-50 VR4000SC-50 Top Side
9230E9 ES2.2
NEC D30401RJ-50 VR4000SC-50 Back Side
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Core Frequency:100 MHz
Board Frequency:50 MHz
Clock Multiplier:2.0
Data bus (ext.):64 Bit
Address bus:64 Bit
Voltage:5 V
Manufactured:week 30/1992
Made in:Japan
L1 Cache:16+16 KB
Package Type:Ceramic
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