PA-RISC information |
PA-RISC is a microprocessor architecture developed by Hewlett-Packard's Systems &
VLSI Technology Operation. The PA stands for Precision Architecture. The design is also referred to as HP/PA for Hewlett
Packard Precision Architecture.
In the late 1980s HP was building two series of computers, both on CISC CPUs. One was the HP-9000 Unix workstations,
designs based on the Motorola 68000
family they had acquired when they purchased Apollo. The other was the HP-3000 series minicomputers, based on an HP designed
16-bit CPU. HP was looking to use the PA-RISC to move all of their machines to a single RISC CPU family.
The first PA-RISC 7000 family were 32-bit designs, and were first used in a new series of HP-3000 machines in the late 1980's,
the 930 and 950.
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