The Motorola 68010 Processor
The 68010 is a 68000 with the addition of virtual machine and virtual memory capabilities and a "loop mode" which acts like a 3 word instruction cache. It is largely
similar to the Motorola 68000 CPU with the exception of the addition of several instructions for breakpoint and register control,
as well as the ability to save all of the processor state on an interrupt. This made it far easier to use for virtual memory applications, for which the 68000 was unsuited.
A 68010 will plug into a 68000 socket and work in most systems.
Motorola MC68010L8 |
OA71R8825 |  |
Core Frequency: | 8 MHz | Board Frequency: | 8 MHz |
Data bus (ext.): | 16 Bit | Address bus: | 24 Bit | Transistors: | 84,000 | Introduced: | 1983 | Manufactured: | week 25/1988 | Made in: | Malaysia | Package Type: | Ceramic
Goldcap |
 |  |
Motorola MC68010R8 |
Core Frequency: | 8 MHz | Board Frequency: | 8 MHz |
Data bus (ext.): | 16 Bit | Address bus: | 24 Bit | Transistors: | 84,000 | Manufactured: | week 43/1986 | Package Type: | Ceramic
Goldcap |
 |  |
Motorola MC68010RC10 |
Core Frequency: | 10 MHz | Board Frequency: | 10 MHz |
Data bus (ext.): | 16 Bit | Address bus: | 24 Bit | Transistors: | 84,000 | Introduced: | 09/1979 | Manufactured: | week 05/1987 | Package Type: | Ceramic
Goldcap |
 |  |
Motorola MC68010R10 |
Core Frequency: | 10 MHz | Board Frequency: | 10 MHz |
Data bus (ext.): | 16 Bit | Address bus: | 24 Bit | Transistors: | 84,000 | Manufactured: | week 15/1986 | Package Type: | Ceramic
Goldcap |
 |  |
Motorola MC68010R12 |
Core Frequency: | 12 MHz | Board Frequency: | 12 MHz |
Data bus (ext.): | 16 Bit | Address bus: | 24 Bit | Transistors: | 84,000 | Manufactured: | week 27/1986 | Package Type: | Ceramic
Goldcap |
 |  |