The NEC V30 Processor
The NEC V30 is a 16-bit CMOS microprocessor, object-code and pin-compatible with
the Intel 8088. The V30 runs at the same speed as the 8088, but it's
10% - 30% faster (depending on application) due to internal improvements - dual internal 16-bit data bus, faster
effective address calculation, better loop counter/shift register implementation, and some others.
The V30 includes Intel 8080 emulation mode,
in which it can execute all of the 8080 instructions. Native NEC V30 instruction set includes all 8086/8088
instructions, new instructions from the 80186/80188 microprocessor, and instructions unique to V30 -
bit processing, packed BCD instructions and special instructions for switching the processor to 8080
emulation mode and back.
The V30 is almost the same as the NEC V20 with the exception that the V20 has an 8-bit data bus. |